With the recently released version 16, Ulysses’ publishing feature saw an upgrade: Besides WordPress and Medium, you can now also publish blog posts to Ghost from within the app!

To date, the fine folks at Ghost count almost 1.4 million of installs of their application. This may be a relatively small number compared to the biggest players in this field; still, Ghost was the most requested integration for our publishing function. Users love it for its privacy, security, and speed; some of the most innovative organizations in the world rely on Ghost for their blogging and publishing needs. Unlike the omnipresent WordPress, Ghost is not an all-purpose content management system for websites of all kinds, but focuses on professional publishing. It seems that more and more people value the approach of concentrating on one thing and bringing it to perfection
So, if you’re running a Ghost blog, or think of starting one, you may rejoice: You can now comfortably write your posts in Ulysses and publish them with just a few clicks or taps. Ulysses handles headings, emphases, images with ease; you can even enter tags and excerpts inside the app. It’s also very simple; if you’re familiar with the Ulysses export, you’ll get around without any problems. If not, feel free to check out the following knowledge base article where we’ve assembled everything you need to know about publishing to a Ghost blog:
Enjoy writing with Ulysses and publishing with Ghost!